
Welencity Crusade

What an incredible week this was! As many of you know, prior to the trip, the Ethiopian government banned the crusade. We had to find an alternate field and God provided.

What made this Crusade so amazing, is the pastors had informed us that no-one in the history of the town had ever given their life to Jesus in a public setting  for fear of persecution! Seeing young children, people from other walks of life and the lost come forward to accept Jesus was an amazing site.

After the Gospel was preached, signs and wonders followed. There are too many to list in this report.

The pastors were so appreciative that we had come. They told us that the “Prayer Team” (see some of them in picture below) had been praying for months and had literally been crying because we had traveled half way around the world to be with them. Hearing this blessed me more than I  think it ever blessed them. It was an honour to associate with these precious people!

The Gospel was preached every night and the Holy Spirit turned up. On one particular night an older man was at the altar. He was literally sobbing. Tears were running down his face. He had  a look of desperation on his face. He was looking at me as if to say, “please hurry, I need the Jesus Christ you are preaching about”. I saw his tears and walked down into the crowd. I prayed with him and he just wept. Minutes later I prayed over the crowd for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As I looked around I could not see this man anymore. I went to the right hand side of the platform and looked over the edge. There he was laid out literally in the red dirt of Africa receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This is what always brings tears to my eyes. Seeing lives literally changed!

One particular healing that I remember was a little girl of about 6 or 7. She had been deaf and a mute since birth. She was prayed over and a shocked look came across her little face as heard sound for the first time.  She came to the stage and spoke into the microphone. The crowd celebrated, her family and friends were jumping up and down as they witnessed Jesus do a miracle in this little girls life!

At night people would leave the crusade field and  literally walk the streets singing and praising God. It was an incredible spectacle!. Pastors of the town were receiving calls at night after the crusade from people of the town, asking if they could give their lives to Jesus.

The revival in the town continued with new churches being planted and over 1000 new converts showing their commitment to Jesus by being water baptised. Each of them also received bibles. This was a major gift for them and many of them shed tears as they had never ever owned something so precious! The pastors have testified that their town will never be the same again! Praise God! All Glory must go to GOD!

2018-06-10T14:05:13+00:00May 9th, 2012|